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Layla Smith


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Testimonial: Creativity, Perspective, Connection


An anonymous testimonial from a client who was in personal therapy:

“Layla had come highly recommended and after eight months of thinking about approaching Layla for personal therapy, I finally sent her an email and we met a few weeks later. As soon as I met Layla, and entered into her creative space I knew she was the right fit for me. I was met with genuine warmth and was immediately made to feel comfortable, and able to open up and share my curiosities about myself and what brought me to Layla and specifically Dance Movement Psychotherapy. Through Layla’s embodied approach I was able to reconnect with my playful nature, my body and how it moves, and rediscover my love for movement and dance. I had some previous experience of therapy and a lot of previous experience with movement, but had never combined the two, and I cannot stress enough just how powerful combining the two is, and really helps you to understand yourself and your body on a deeper level. I was also encouraged to use other creative tools such as imagery, drawing and using objects to externalise my thoughts and feelings, and this really helped me to look at things from a totally new perspective, as well as connecting with the feelings on a different level, and tapping  into a whole new realm of creativity within myself that I never knew existed. I cannot thank and recommend Layla highly enough, and would not hesitate to come back and work together again.”


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