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Layla Smith


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Testimonial: Personal Therapy

Night lights through a window covered in water drops.

An anonymous testimonial from a client who was in personal therapy:

“My experience of movement therapy has been very liberating. I have a long history of psychoanalytic therapy, which became suffocating when I felt like I understood a lot of the reasons for my emotions and responses but still felt mostly powerless to express or regulate them. Movement therapy has been an extremely freeing experience as I came to understand ways that I can effectively express feelings as they arise, and let go of my shame and frustration around them. This has also been a result of Layla’s commitment to building an honest and non-judgemental environment in which I’ve felt able to express awkwardness or embarrassment. Whilst working with her I have discovered many intuitive methods and resources for regulation which already existed in my environment; things like expressing anger through hitting a cushion against a wall, or comforting myself through hugging a pillow when I’m sad. These mechanisms are extremely effective, and have helped me to accept self care which is something I’ve struggled with for a long time. I now feel more able to listen to my needs as they arise, and more empowered in my ability to meet them.”


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